Hillsboro Area Fire Association

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Association Officers
Association Directors



 Article I: Name


     The name of the organization shall be Hillsboro Area Fire Association, hereafter referred to as "the Association."


Article II: Purpose


     The object of the Association shall be to provide fire protection as set out in the Fire Protection Agreement and to provide other emergency services.


Article III: Directors


     The directors shall be chosen and entitled to vote as set out in the Fire Protection Agreement.


Article IV: Officers


     Section 1: The officers of the Association, elected annually by the directors, shall be a president, a vice president, a secretary and a treasurer.

     Section 2: The officers shall hold office until the subsequent annual meeting of the Association and until their successors shall have been elected and qualified.

     Section 3: The president shall preside at all meetings of the Association and shall insure that all actions of the Association are properly put into effect. The president shall execute any documents authorized by the Association.The president shall perform such other duties as may prescribed from time to time by the Association.

     Section 4: The vice-president shall perform the duties of the president in the event of the absence or disability of the president. The vice-president shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the Association.

     Section 5: The secretary shall keep a complete record of the transactions and proceedings of the Association and shall have such other responsibilities as are set forth hereafter. The secretary shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the Association.

     Section 6: There shall be one treasurer. The treasurer shall act as custodian of the funds as directly by the Association, which funds shall be for use solely as directed by the Association. The treasurer shall see that monies allocated to that treasurer's fund shall be properly received, deposited, segregated from other monies and other funds, applied and accounted for. The offices of secretary and treasurer may be combined.                  

     Section 7: The Association directors shall have the power to fill for the unexpired term any vacancy occurring in any of the Association offices.


Article V: Meetings


     Section 1: At the call of the president or of any two directors, the secretary shall call a special meeting. All meetings shall be held at such place as the president directs. Additionally, an annual meeting shall be held as specified in the Fire Protection Agreement, and the Association shall meet quarterly.

     Section 2: A five day notice of a meeting shall be given to each director, unless an emergency makes such notice impossible, in which case the maximum possible notice shall be given.

     Section 4: All meetings shall be open to the public and shall be preceded by proper public notice of the meeting.

     Section 5: A majority of the directors of the Association shall constitute a quorum for any meeting. A majority vote of the directors present at any meeting shall be sufficient to carry any motion unless a greater number is required by these bylaws or by applicable State or Federal law.


Article VI: Fiscal and Budget


     Section 1: The Association shall establish, in a bank of its choice, such funds as the Association shall direct. The funds shall be held in the name of "Hillsboro Area Fire Association." All receipts and disbursements for purposes of the Association are to be made to and from this fund. All orders for payments from this fund (checks) shall be signed by the Association president and treasurer.

     Section 2: The Association shall establish a budget as required by the Fire Protection Agreement.

     Section 3: No changes in the amounts of the various appropriations and purposes for such appropriations as stated in the budget finally approved shall be made unless approved by a two-thirds majority of the directors present at a meeting called for that purpose.

     Section 4: The treasurer shall record expenditures allocated from funds and contributed toward purchases of trucks and equipment.


Article VII: Rules of Procedures


     Section 1: The proceeding and business of the Association shall be governed by the Robert's latest book on parliamentary procedures, unless otherwise provided herein.

Article VIII: Amendments


     These Bylaws may be amended at the annual meeting or any Association meeting called for that purpose, by a majority of those present at such meeting, provided that written notice of said meeting shall have been mailed to the active members at least 30 days prior to date of said meeting, which notice shall include the proposed amendment.                                   


            Changes to the original BYLAWS OF THE HILLSBORO AREA FIRE ASSOCIATION, date 12/12/89 are as follows:



     Add to Article II: Purpose. and to provide other emergency   services.

Remove Article V: Meetings, Section 3: Actual presence at or  written waiver of notice of any meeting shall serve as a substitute for actual notice of the meeting.






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President Spenner called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Tom Spenner, Greg Kubarski and Jennifer Burchell

City of Hillsboro:  Richard Sebranek and Darrow Novy

Town of Forest:  Bill Schiller

Town of Greenwood:  Tom Skala and Leo Verbsky

Town of Hillsboro:  Ray Mislivecek

Town of Union:  Elgin Fanta

Town of Wonewoc:  Absent

Fire Department:  Assistant Chief Tom Hotek

All municipalities noted that the meeting had been properly posted.

No public input.

Minutes of the October 20, 2009 quarterly meeting were presented.  Ray Mislivecek made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Elgin Fanta.  Motion carried.

The 4th quarter financial statements were presented and reviewed.  The 2009 expenses came in $14,856.52 under budget.  The fire department has upcoming expenses totaling approximately $13,000, including ten new pagers, repairs to Engine One, the matching portion of the DNR equipment grant, and two uniforms.  Richard Sebranek made a motion to add $14,856.52 to the 2010 contingency account, seconded by Greg Kubarski.  All voted in favor.  Motion carried.  The $10,000 CD will be renewed.  $15,000 will be moved to a six-month CD.  Bill Schiller made a motion to accept the 4th quarter 2009 financial statements, seconded by Darrow Novy.  Motion carried.

Discussion was held regarding the 2% dues money received by each municipality.  Elgin Fanta stated that the town of Union pays a proportionate share of their 2% dues to the LaFarge and Yuba fire departments, in addition to their annual dues.  Hillsboro Area Fire Association refunded their payment in a previous year, as all of the other municipality members included the 2% dues as a part of their annual fees due to the association.  Elgin stated he believes this lacks a paper trail.  Darrow Novy made a motion to table this matter until the October quarterly meeting, when the 2011 budget will be approved.  Greg Kubarski seconded.  All voted in favor.  Motion carried.

Assistant Chief Tom Hotek reported the following:

  • The 2010 DNR Grant is waiting for final approval.  The fire association portion is 50%, or approximately $4,000.
  • There hasn’t been a response regarding the FEMA grant for fire department uniforms.
  • There are three firefighters taking entry level classes, and one new firefighter who will be taking this class.  The fire department currently has 32 members.  
  • The brakes on Engine One still seize.
  • A dry hydrant will be installed this spring.

The next meeting was set for Monday, April 26, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at the fire station.  Bill Schiller made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Assistant Chief Tom Hotek.  Motion carried.